Are you an athlete looking to improve your performance?
Pilates is a great accompanied discipline to have along side your training. It promotes healthy movement patterns and even muscle developement.
I can work with your coach and with private/semi-private sessions, your session is tailored just to you!
It is perfect for those who..
Want to reduce the risk of injury.
Would like to have an edge both physically and mentally.
Need to promote healthy movement patterns
Are looking for even muscle development.
Need to develop mind and body connection
Wants whole mind, whole body health
Would like to work on effective breathing techniques
Want to increase stamina, stability, strength and flexibility

"Before my taster session with Lisa-Marie at Breathe in Pilates, I rode my horse Shadow and was experiencing imbalance in the saddle due to an old injury with tightness in my shoulders and back. Before attending I was reserved incase I couldn’t do the moves. I was going to look silly!
The free taster was Really good! Especially under COVID-19 circumstances it was really well structured even on a video call. Afterwards, My body felt less tense. I felt really good in myself."
Michelle G.
After a complicated full hip replacement and regraft of glute muscle...this last year has been one of physios and frustrations trying to get the strength back in those muscles. But...I can safely say after an intensive (twice a week) sessions for five ish weeks has done more in that time to complete my recovery!!!! To the point that I got back on a horse again the day after my birthday last week!! I can thank you enough!!!